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Dr. Craig F. Schindler is a nationally known author and speaker; coach and counselor in transformative psychology; conflict resolution expert; executive coach; and former professor of environmental ethics. Some highlights of Dr. Schindler's offerings include:


  • Has a professional practice in transformative psychology, and personal/professional development, working with hundreds of individuals, couples and groups; and training thousands of leaders from many organizations, corporations and government agencies.

  • Holds a B.A. (Stanford), a J.D. (Stanford Law School) and a Ph.D. (Graduate Theological Union & the University of California, Berkeley)

  • Taught at Harvard University, Stanford University, Trinity College, and the University of California, Santa Cruz.

  • President of Project Victory and has facilitated national dialogues on peace and security, nuclear weapons, the environment, health and wellbeing; interfaith understanding and race; pioneered methods of conflict resolution and mediated dialogue; and trained 30,000 people in personal leadership, communication and conflict resolution skills. 

  • Author of the forthcoming book, Choose Hope, You Matter. Co-authored The Great Turning with Dr. Gary Lapid.

  • Guest Lecturer in Psychology and Religion at UCSC for 20 years, as well as in the Brain/Mind Consciousness Program at UCSC.

  • Developed and teaches other courses on wisdom and transformative psychology, mindfulness and inner peace, conflict resolution, and compassionate leadership for the Great Turning.



Craig visiting the Dalai Lama's temple in Dharmasala, India

Craig Berlin.JPG

Craig as a Stanford exchange student visiting the Berlin Wall in Germany.

I have sought to address both the inner and outer change needed for what Einstein called “the new way of thinking.”  My purpose throughout is to bridge the inner work of practicing mindfulness, healing self-defeating patterns and evolving oneself toward wisdom and happiness; and the outer work of increasing empathic communication, conflict resolution and compassionate action for the Great Turning.  I believe these two modes of being and action are inseparable: cultivating inner peace and mindfulness; and living with love and respect for self, others and Earth are two sides of the same enlightened consciousness.  Indeed this is the SOUL-ACTION Practice.


From Dr. Craig Schindler's forthcoming book CHOOSE HOPE, YOU MATTER.


Dr. Craig Schindler is a speaker, trainer, consultant and facilitator for many organizations, professional associations, national dialogues, corporations and government agencies.  Here is a partial list:


  • National LIT Conference (Leadership Intensive Training; 7 years)

  • Bureau of Land Management & ten government agencies, San Diego, CA

  • The U.S. Forest Service, Sacramento, CA (7 years)

  • Hewlett Packer and Agilent Technologies, Silicon Valley


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“Outstanding Contribution to World Peace” Award with Dr. Gary Lapid by the National Physicians for Social Responsibility’


“Outstanding Contribution To the Environment” by the National Bahai Convention


The Danforth Kent Fellowship; the Rockefeller Fellowship and many University fellowships and grants


The Outstanding Young Christian Leaders Award by the Erikson Foundation


Many commendations for the excellence of his teaching and rated consistently in the 98% for his teaching by his students at UCSC

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